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I was 13. Pedophiles choose victims with no father or weak father. I lost my dad when I was 5 years old. My older brother Ray was 7 years old. My older brother Ray ran away from home to go live with JVH JTH at 14 years old. J told my brother Ray he would adopt him and put Ray in his will. Neither were true. J killed my brother June 12 2019 of renal failure overheating dehydration very similar to his torture of me with 80-90-100 heat via 79’ thermostat below me and 100’ hotbox attic room on my west wall. I have scores of documents detailing the physical conditions of abuse on my broken laptop.
JVH promised my older brother Ray he would adopt him but ended up killing him in 2019 Jun 12
Grooming similar to
P Diddy promising Justin a Ferrari @ 16 then A house @ 17 

Please email Scott at plant trees dot org
Please do not FB message as I can not without a laptop 

I need help. I need and any old MacBook Pro or other laptops so I can migrate and upload many docs photos records affidavits asap from my previous Mac book pro which died Jan 6 2024 of screen display fail 

Also need an iPhone favor large screen plus or max 

I used to be alive. I used to be a helpful human. I miss being connected to people and helping. To save earth humans and animals

Need to fetch / recover 
I have cores of affidavits and accounts of molestation abuse and torture on my current broken screen MacBook Pro that I typed up after 
JVH/JTH stole my iPhone and my Main MacBook  Pro and 3 back up Mac book pros

Neuropathy? My R Leg Quads go numb within 5/10/15 minutes if I lay on my back since approx Earth day Apr 22 2024. Relief if I raise knee 90’  to hip whether I lie  on back or lie on  Left or Right hip. Also have tried brushing hands to center from knee to hip to flush capillaries seems to maybe help. Goes away in 5/10 minutes. 
2024.04.28 Monday am was lying on back for ? 20/30 minutes half asleep. Yelled and the sharp suddenness of the verbal quip shocked the R quad capillaries into PAIN of pins and needles sort reminding me that I can not lay flat on back and have not been able to for one week. 
Static symptoms for one week. No change. I assume my L5 S vertebrae pinch nerves ? to R quad? 
Worthy of visit to Stanford. Pants are ripped up. 
Health gabapentin neurontin disc spine herniated disc healthcare health plan health plan San Mateo hospital circulation Ortho long 

My mother used neurontin? Ie for gabapentin for her neuropathy but I am not seeking synthetic pharma. I am trying to determine if my close disc in disc vertebrae contact from age 16 can cause a pinch in my nerves and or cause my  R quad leg to go numb 

Please do not message me here on fb as I do not have fb msgr on mobile 
Please email Scott at planttrees dot org 

Video consult 6:30 pm Monday April 29 
Seek advice to direct that convo
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.