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- - - - - Thur Oct 23 2014 Morning

San Francisco recognises whales' and dolphins' right to freedom

Throwback Thursday--Fluoride spill in Illinois eats through concrete:

Gravity water filter lab results now posted! See the full details of the Health Ranger's laboratory testing of Big Berkey, ProPur and other water filters. Which one works best to remove heavy metals? Full answers now published:

It’s easy to keep up to date with the latest fluoride news, science, studies, and campaign alerts. Just sign up to receive FAN’s email bulletins. What we won’t do is share your email address with anyone or fill your inbox with unnecessary emails. What we will do is keep you informed and give you opportunities help influence fluoride policy in your area and throughout the world.

Rather than plucking weeds from the lawn, are people instead eating them and enjoying a range of health benefits?

Some brands are cleaning up their act, but many shampoos, soaps, and other personal care products still contain a cancer-causing chemical. See the new report from the Center for Environmental Health and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics to see if your shampoo is on the list – and learn how you can take action to eliminate ALL harmful chemicals from cosmetics.

Breaking! New MFA undercover investigation in the US prompts law enforcement to raid a duck farm. Watch the video:

Come check out our webinar with our new IRA partner, the Provident Trust Group. Get all your questions regarding your self-directed IRA answered by the professionals. Taking place:
Wednesday October 29th, 4:30 PM PST
Price: FREE
Click here to register:

Canada Police Caught Staging False Flag
Canadian police have been caught staging a false flag in the past.
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs covers the shooting at Parliament Hill in Ottawa Canada and how Canadian police have been caught staging a false flag in the past during the Toronto G20 when undercover police engaged in purposeful provocation.

In light of yesterday's shooting in Canada, it's a good time to remember a classic parody showing how ineffective gun free zones are.
Fox News Parody About Gun Free Zones Stopping Crime

“No Refusal” Blood Draw Checkpoint Planned for Ohio
Paul Joseph Watson | Controversial procedure considered a 4th amendment violation by some.

Rwanda is now mandating Ebola screenings for all visitors from the U.S. and Spain:

Is the Ebola strain currently in circulation far more virulent and infectious than previous strains?

On this Thursday, October 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest insanity from the climate change crowd as the Australian government funds a play centered on the murder of so-called deniers. Alex also examines the GOP votes flipped to Democrat and the supposed terror attack in Canada yesterday and how it is a staged Gladio event. 

CIA routinely ghost writes propaganda which it forces US and European journalists to publish under their own names. 
The Ebola Dictatorship

Homeland militarization — tanks in Ferguson, Blackhawks in Minneapolis — must be stopped

Here's a more fitting version of the NSA logo. The "Unplug Big Brother" EFF member t-shirt is back by popular demand:

Part 1 - The Unlawful Killing Film of Princess Di…:

Don't believe all the hype. See why our guest writer says you should not use this gun-locking mechanism in your home.

Busted: Ferguson Police Arrest Anti-Gun Dem. Senator with a Loaded 9mm (Maybe Drunk, Maybe Not) 

Free Speech Is Fundamental, Yet Tax Protesters Get Penalties Or Jail

Globalist #‎Soros  says #‎EU  wimpish for not confronting #‎Russia  more directly over #‎Ukraine .

Why I Will Not Submit To Medical Martial Law

First rule of FISTING: DON'T. Women, if you are tired of men leaving you cause you are too "loose". Then don't fist.
Kegels might help you regain some slim % of your tightness but... again if keeping a certain man in your life is your priority... This is not just about Big Hands, but about BIG TOYS and Big Things...
Now if hetero normative intercourse is not your goal, please disregard. But for the overwhelming majority of het women who wonder why guys leave them. I ask you this: do you think it is any easier for a man to tell you : "I find you too loose." than it is for him to tell a woman "I find your breath displeasing." ?
 how oft do you think this vital communication actually happens? ... crickets
or how often does a man to tell a BBW "I would go down on you but you smell poopy so I wish you would shower." well then?

- - - - - Wed Oct 22 2014  
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.