Plant Trees SF Events 2014 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


I do not like the Current FB events list it as is too clunky and awkward cause
9 expired events I have to scroll through to get to the SHOW all button. Thanks jerks for posting your events with GAPING WIDE event windows. YOU SUCK.
then each time I back PAGE I have to do that again. ARGHH!! so
now I am Late in adding on Thurdsays events, which missed the SF events launch completely.   SAD.

     Thu Jul 31 JUL 31 6pm Plaza 16 Community Meeting @ 1661 Fifteenth Street, SF
Thursday, July 31 at 6:00PMSt. John’s Episcopal Church Julian Avenue at 15th Street JUL 31 @ Temple 540 Howard SF 10pm-2am  Free Indie Dance/Nu Disco Party (Carlos Alfonzo & Infusion, Tobin Ellsworth, Trever Pearson, Imani, Neon Neo) AGES 18+ JUL 31 BIRTHDAY BASH for Paul Hayward @ McTeagues Saloon 1237 Polk SF btwn Fern and Bush (how kinky) 10pm

Stilldream @ Belden CA 7/31-8/04 RAINDANCE RECOMMENDS - The Still Dream Festival
Still Dream is a lot like Raindance, thrown by people who care about the vibe, top notch production, amazing talent, beautiful location (Belden Town), intimate numbers (1000). So much Love put in to this, we can't wait to dream again!
go here ~ for all information

Aug 2014

     Fri Aug 1 On August 1, 2014, Green Apple Books will open a new store at 1231 9th Ave. in the Inner Sunset.They’ll be sharing space with Le Video, who will be moving to the 2nd floor of the building they currently occupy.Much like Green Apple at 506 Clement, Books … AUG 01 5-9pm @ Soma @ Pier 14 SF  - A Cerebral Celebration x street Howard? just a little south of Market.

)’( The Flaming Lotus Girls Presents CEREBRAL CELEBRATION Pier 14, SF Friday, August 1, 5pm-9pm
With a stunning backdrop of the waterfront and the Bay Lights, SOMA creates an interactive, immersive experience for those who choose to visit. Translating the anatomy of neurons into metal and light, SOMA beautifully demonstrates the conjunction of biotech, technology and art that so defines life in the Bay Area.
5:00-6:30pm Speeches from Invited Guests
6:30-8:00pm Socializing / Brass Tax
8:00-8:45pm LED Lighting Ceremony
8:45-9:00pm End
SOMA at PIER 14 is FREE and open to the public, 24 hours a day! If FREE and OPEN 24 HOURS is not awesome enough, SOMA's programmed LED light patterns are controlled by interactive buttons that are operated by YOU – the visitors! Visit SOMA during the day, and again at night. The LED buttons are active from 10 minutes past sunset until 2AM, daily.
Help the Flaming Lotus Girls keep SOMA OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, 24/7, for 365+ days and be a part of public art! The sculpture will remain on Pier 14 for one year, and FLG needs public support to cover installation costs and maintenance of the piece. 
Your donation can be made, here: Flaming Lotus Girls LED Sculpture Opening & Brass Tax DJ Party | Pier 14Friday, August 1 – 5:00 pm | Cost: FREE | Pier 14 Oakland Art Murmur | First Fridays Art Walk Friday, August 1 – 6:00 pm | Cost: FREE | Broadway/Telegraph 
FRI AUG 01 9pm Bee Against Monsanto Shines the Petilluminator 
San Francisco Federal Building90 7th St, SF This Friday! CAMP ? MARK presents NOMADIC CARAVAN ft HUCCI, iLL GATES, + More! Friday at 22:00 1015 Folsom Nomadic Caravan~ft. •HUCCI• •iLL.GATES• •DAVID STARFIRE• &more![ Camp Questionamark's Burning Man Fundraiser ] Friday aug 1  22:00 Aug 1,2,3 Cisco Grove, CA

     Sat Aug 2
Alexander T. “Sasha” Shulgin, godfather of MDMA, inventor of hundreds of psychedelic compounds, and intrepid explorer of the psyche, has died. Given the cultural effects of “ecstasy" around the world and now its use in clinical trials to treat PTSD, his impact is proving monumental.
A memorial service for Sasha and a pot luck reception will be held at the Berkeley Community Theater on Saturday, August 2, 2014, from 1 – 6 pm.
Not everyone knows of Sasha’s innovative chemistry or his seminal books PiHKAL and TiHKAL, written together with Ann Shulgin, or knew him personally. Yet this is a free and inclusive event, open to all whose lives have been touched or transformed by Sasha and Ann's work. Please share the invitation consciously with those who might wish to participate.
RSVP using the Eventbrite link below. Space is limited, and an accurate count will allow us to plan accordingly. You can always cancel your RSVP later at Eventbrite so that others may attend in your place. Sasha Shulgin Memorial Saturday, August 2, 2014 1:00 PM Berkeley Community Theater1930 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA

LESBIANS @ )'( AUG 02 4-7pm Camp Beaverton Beer Bust! @ The Lexington Club SF
Camp Beaverton, the Burning Man camp for wayward girls, needs a new dome!! Badly. Like, we don't really have one. AUG 02 7pm-1am REBOOT: music Live! w/ Eskmo, Zoe Keating, Moldover, Nonagon, Rich DDT @ The Tech Museum of Innovation 201 S Market St, San Jose

Sat Aug 2 LoveTech's REBOOT:music w/ Eskmo, Zoe Keating, Moldover, Nonagon, Rich DDT, an entire museum of discovery & more!
Live electronic music, live visualists, 16 multiplayer music installations, panel discussion w/ Smomid
7pm-1am at The Tech Museum of Innovation, 201 S Market St. San Jose
$15-20 presale tickets, $25 doors:
$15 round trip bus tickets SF (16th BART) <-> Tech Museum SJ: ROPE, SMUT & POPCORN Evening Social Saturday, August 02, 2014 from 08:00 PM to 12:00 AMCenter for Sex and Culture, 1349 Mission St SF
$10 at the door, $11.50 in advance & get free popcorn Dress code:	As you wish
Purchase tickets in advance and get a FREE popcorn

Airpusher Presents STEAMPUNK SHOWDOWN NIMBY, 8410 Amelia St, Oakland Sat Aug 2 9pm-3am
DJ Lineup: shOOey (Space Cowboys), Deckard (Space Cowboys), Brad Robinson (Space Cowboys), Cptn Jay (Airpusher), Djesika (Airpusher), and more to be announced!

Dusty Rhino Presents Pre-Burn Extravaganza Mighty, 119 Utah St, SF Sat Aug 2, 10pm-3am
DISTRIKT, OPULENT TEMPLE, PINK MAMMOTH, SPACE COWBOYS and HEART PHOENIX! We'll have the Rhino outside with SILENT DISCO keeping things bouncy.
Pre-Burn Beats from: DJ Zach Moore (Space Cowboys), DJ Icon (Opulent Temple), Matt Kramer (Distrikt), Special Guest from NYC (Distrikt), Jonathan Will (Pink Mammoth), A.M. Rebel (Heart Phoenix), & DJ Eject (Loud Cloud)!
And your Favorite Rhino DJs: Mystr Hatchet, DJMK, DJ Alvaro Bravo, DJ Dane, Nugz, DJ Clarkie & more TBA!
If you want to contribute photography, video, art, performance, etc. just send a facebook message to DJ Dane and we'll do our best to make it happen.
Discounted pre-sale tickets are available at $20 at the door with playa attire. 

Opel v La Familia this Saturday at Public Works with Lee Coombs, Syd Gris & Kimba's Bday!

     Sun Aug 3
Jerry Day 2014 - 12th Annual Aug 3 McLaren Park, SF Jerry Garcia Amphitheater 

Stern Grove SF free music festival Massive Messy Twister & Water Fight | Dolores ParkSunday, August 3 – 1:00 pm | Cost: FREE* | Dolores Park Stern Grove Festival: Andrew Bird Free Concert | SFSunday, August 3 – 2:00 pm | Cost: FREE* | Stern Grovef

     Tue Aug 5 SF MOMA FREE. De Young Free. Legion of Honor Free.

     Wed Aug 6 SF ZOO free

     Thu Aug 7 First Thursday Art Receptions 5:30-7:30pm 49 Geary SF + 77 Geary + 251 Post. Some months 210 Post Dolby Chadwick + across Grant...

event: Acro Hippie Hour on Aug 7th at 5pm!
Hippie Hour, an ongoing event created by Chelsea Rustrum, is all about celebrating food, love and life with tea and music in a new community each month. August 7th we will bring Hippie Hour to the Acroyoga Community for Acro Hippie Hour! Come fly with us at this awesome party in a really sweet outdoor location!
More info on hippie hour here: Hippie Hour & Acro Yoga 7 August at 17:00
Layfette Park SF @ Gough Laguna Sacramento Washington

Aug 7-10 Dopevan Presents Above The Trees Festival Navarro, California 
Hi! We're putting on a small 4 day festival up north that was inspired by numerous trips to Burning Man and would be a great place for folks to meet new friends and "test drive" their playa projects prior to the grand journey to BRC.
Above the Trees is a 100% participation-based festival. Test, fine tune and perfect your workshop, art installation, interactive sculpture or performance a few weeks before the Burn with some amazing new friends. Above the Trees is held at Camp Navarro, a beautiful camp in the redwoods near Mendocino. See you in the redwoods!

Outside Lands SF GG Park 8/08-10 Open-Air Sacred  Art & Music Festival Aug 8-11 Tidewater, OR

A 3 Step Lab To Emerge Now The Flight Deck, 1540 Broadway, Oakland Saturday, August 9th, 4pm-6pm, FREE 

Aug 10   11:10 A.M.   Full Moon

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a continuation of the GATT, NAFTA, etc Ponzi Schemes.
The Obama administration is doing the bidding of the currency speculators.
During the summer months a lot of bad legislation comes through the Congresses. Aug 11 is this group's date for media exposure on the status of the plan.

George Post Presents Dancing With The Playa Messiah   1 Ferry Building, SF Tue Aug 12th, 6pm
From the beach in San Francisco to a thriving annual city of 50,000 in the Nevada Desert, Burning Man has become an internationally recognized epicenter for radical selfexpression, art, and performance. Join photographer George Post in Dancing with the Playa Messiah, his two-decade documentation of this amazing event.

1015 Folsom SF @ 6th St. 8/16 Picnic in Golden Gate Park SF w/ SoJ and SF TNG
Sat AUG 16 NOON-6PM Lindley Meadow, Golden Gate Park, 30th ave and JFK Drive, SF 8/16/14  Bee sure to invite your friends! ----Join our new open group and find out what the Buzz is around BAM -

	•	SF MIME TROUPE Glen Park Sat, Aug 16th @ 2:00 PM (Music 1:30) Bosworth & O'Shaughnessy SF Bosworth & O'Shaughnessy FREE (donation)
	•	SF MIME TROUPE Washington Square Park Sun, Aug 17th @ 2:00 PM (Music 1:30) Columbus & Union SF FREE (donation)
	•	SF MIME TROUPE Closing Shows Dolores Park Sun, Aug 31st @ 2:00 PM (Music 1:30) Mon, Sep 1st @ 2:00 PM (Music 1:30) 19th St. & Dolores St., SF FREE (donation)
Thursday, July 31, 2014	12pm (noon) PDT: OMG Sale ($380) registration begins
Monday, August 4, 2014	12pm (noon) PDT: OMG Sale ($380) registration closes
Wednesday, August 6, 2014	12pm (noon) PDT: OMG Sale ($380) starts

PS: I am looking for a ticket and car pass. DREAM: The Art and Culture of Burning Man AUG 22 Black Rock City Boycotts Walmart!
----A list of local shopping alternatives is listed on page----

)'()'()'()'()'( Sun Aug 24 6pm -  Mon Sept 1 6pm, 2014. Black Rock City, NV )'()'()'()'()'( = 68,000 peeps, mostly in costumes or festively dressed Burning Man 2014 Monday August 25 Black Rock City Gerlach, Nevada
Forever Young ... we LOVE this video by Spark director Steve Brown, featuring retired firefighter Jim Duffy. Forever Young - Burning Man 2013 download a slide show for costume, bike, hydration, camp, sun, shade, art sculpture ideas FUN and SEXY!
Updated weather on playa: website
This website from Friends of Black Rock has updated weather conditions on the playa and forecasts.:
- - - - - )'( events on playa )'( AUG 24 9pm-6am 9:00 and E Duckpond 2014 Sunday Opening Party AUG 28 4pm Billion Bunny March to Protest Humanity + All Night Bunny Resistance Party
Fluff up your ears and tail and meet Thurs at BMIR (5:50 & Esplanade) radio station

Deep Space with Embrace! Dancetronauts Annual Deep Playa Party
28 August at 21:00 Black Rock City in Gerlach, Nevada  
Since we still can't do this event in S.F. We're going to get pretty darn close to it this year on the open playa instead: BRING YOUR ART CAR! #‎Dancetronauts #‎burningman  #‎bm2014  #‎embrace  #‎artcars  — feeling excited at Black Rock City. A graphic representation of sunrise/sunset and prevailing winds for this years Burn. Also includes some common dangers found on the playa. 10 Tips for Staying Healthy at Burning Man

- - - - -
FLAME ON FIRE Burning Man is hella freaking FUN. This rapid-fire tour of (parts of) the playa Daft Punk - Lose Yourself to Dance - Burning Man 2013 ☼► Burning Man 2013 !!! Such an amazing burn !!! ♥♪► My Burning Man Experience 2013 Warren Currell·19 videos Burning Man 2013 - Beyond The Fire (Ellie Goulding - Burn) Kien Lam·6 videos Burning Man 2013 [by drone]: In the Dust, Above the Dust 
    More Vids added in JULY: HoopCharmer ~With Love~ Burning Man 2013
Charlie Goes to Burning Man. 
Rockstar Librarian Fan Page. Here you will find the most complete listing of DJ set times at )'( Burning Man. Copy Print and SHARE. Bring With.
This may be the BEST GIFT you can bring to playa. Printed copies of ROCKSTAR LIBRARIAN guide. (The next one, from Rockstar Librarian. Not this April 1 one silly.)
2nd best gift is to make a YOUTUBE VIDEO of how to COLATE the guide after you print it.

You a wallflower? Shy? trouble meeting peeps? bring this and you will meet TONS o PEEPs.
I been givin away stuff for decades and found that ROSES and CHOCOLATE are the quickest and easiest things to give away. Flowers not allowed in desert due to litter problems. So bring Chocolate and ROCKSTAR LIBRARIAN guides and your SHY DAYS will b a thing of the past.

Being on playa can be a physically and emotionally taxing experience ... learn how to navigate these perilous waters. This Emotional Survival Guide to Burning Man from Fest300's Chip Conley is a gem, and well worth a read. Portrait Photography Tips - Patrick Roddie's Burning Man Photos Official closed group. snarky. open group 1200 members Camps 4 Campers Marian Goodell at TEDxTokyo 2014

Know your rights. This video is well worth the watch to get you through any police encounter.‪‬

Just a friendly reminder from last year. Law enforcement will use any excuse to pull you over once you are inside BRC. If you are pulled over, you will be searched with K9 units. From the time you leave the greeter station till you park and set up camp you are a target for law enforcement revenue. Do not drive over 5 MPH, make sure your license plate is not covered by bikes/hollahoopa or anything else. Have current registration tags and know your rights. Map of Burning Man Demographic ZONES LOL

Watch out for fake tickets! 

Sep 2014
Sep 8    6:38 P.M.    Full Moon

)'( Sun Sep 21, 2014 11 to 6

Oct 8   3:50 A.M.    Full Moon OCT 3, 4 & 5, 2014 Golden Gate Park, SF FREE! October 17-19, 2014 National Bioneers Conference San Rafael, CA

Sunday Streets' 2014 Season Finale in the Mission has been moved up one week to October 19 (instead of October 26, as previously noted).
Joshua Tree 10/10-12


The next global March Against Corruption will be a week of action commencing Saturday November 1, 2014 -- including election day in the U.S. (Nov 4th) and the Million Mask March (Nov 5th).
Join the global fight against corruption, because without corruption, companies like Monsanto wouldn't exist! 
Join the March Against Corruption Organizers Group:
Not sure what this is all about? Watch:
Remember: Sharing = Caring!
‪#‎MarchAgainstCorruption‬ ‪#‎Nov1‬ ‪#‎March2014‬

Join us November 1, 2014 for a week of anti-corruption direct action, through and including Nov 4th (election day in the U.S.) and Nov 5th (the Million Mask March)...
RSVP @ and start organizing an event in your town or city!
#MarchAgainstMonsanto #MarchAgainstCorruption #Nov1 #March2014

Nov 6   2:22 P.M.   Full Moon

Dec 6   4:27 A.M.   Full Moon 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.