Plant Trees SF Events 2014 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


Thu Apr 3 2014

Every 1st Thursday: Art receptions @ 49 Geary SF 5:30-7:30pm art PARTY! 
30 galleries in a 5 story building. Also 77 Geary. 251 Post. Some months 210 Post then from inside look across Grant for sometimes 240 ish Grant. 5:30 pm   	First Thursdays Art Walk & Open Galleries | SF 	  FREE  Upper TL Art Walk | Trendyloin first Thursday,  – 6:00 pm | Cost: FREE | Lower Polk / Gulch Corridor 

Lower Polk / Gulch Corridor | Polk St. and Sutter St., SF The art walk is every first thursday from 6pm-10pm. APR03Roller Disco Night ROUND 3 | NEW LOCATION | THIS THURSDAY 7pm-11pm 500 Fillmore @ Oak / Fell SF $10 entry. $5 skate rental APR 03 10pm @ F8 1192 Folsom SF @ 8th St. BEAT CHURCH TONITE!!! | Thurs APRIL 3rd | FALSE PROFIT TAKEOVER | Alxndr ~ benchun ~ Obi-J | noaccordion CD Release | TIger Fresh

     Fri Apr 4
Electronic Frontier Foundation ( )  
April 4th is 404 Day, and EFF is hosting a digital teach-in about banned websites and censorship in libraries.
On April 4th, EFF is partnering with the Center for Civic Media at MIT and the National Coalition Against Censorship to bring attention to the long-standing problem of Internet censorship in public libraries and schools for 404 Day. Join us on Friady, April 4th from 12pm-1pm PST for a digital teach-in with some of the top researchers and librarians working to analyze and push back against the use of Internet filters on library computers. Mark your calendars, and check back soon for more information about how you can tune-in.

Apr 4 #WaveOfAction #OWS April 4th Launch Celebration
The Worldwide Wave of Action begins April 4th and runs through July 4th. During this three-month cycle, people throughout the world will be protesting corruption, rallying around solutions and taking part in alternative systems. The new paradigm will be on full display. 9th Annual “Discarded to Divine” Recycled Fashion Show | de YoungFriday, April 4 – 5:30 pm | Cost: FREE | de Young Museum 

Art Murmur Oakland Telegraph @ 22-26 st Oakland Art Murmur | First Fridays Art WalkFriday, April 4 – 6:00 pm | Cost: FREE | Broadway/Telegraph San Francisco Safari Bike Party | First FridaysFriday, April 4 – 7:30 pm | Cost: FREE | Secret Location (SF)SFBP #40: San Francisco Safari, is a trip through the jungles of our fair city to observe and photograph some of the beautiful, illusive and sometimes rare native animals of SF on April 4, 2014. Coyotes and Hawks and Unicorns, Oh My…Bring your best animal … SF Indie’s First Friday Roller Disco Party | Mission Dist.Friday, April 4 – 8:00 pm | Cost: $5* | Women's Building West Oakland Friday 8pm APR04Vibesquad, Knowa Lusion, Johnny5, Duffrey, Intellitard, spacegeishA Fri 9pm-3am Mission @ 6th St SF APR04 Space Cowboys presents: Search & Seizure! $10 pre $15-20 door 101 6th St SF

     Sat April 5 Know Your Rights Training Sat April 5 1pm Berkeley Copwatch 2022 Blake St, Berkeley 
This training is great for anyone who wants to join copwatch and learn what to do when you are watching cops. It also helps if you are just a regular person who wants to know what you can and can't do when stopped by police. Training includes:
* what to do when you are stopped
* how to document police actions
* scanning/videotaping and monitoring police
* what to do if you see or experience abuse
Everyone needs this training! And its FREE!!!

The Debate About 9/11, Saturday, April 5, 2014 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm, The Starry Plough, 3101 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley,
The Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party and Movement presents  THE DEBATE ABOUT 9/11 
The events of 9/11 continue to be used to justify U.S. imperialism abroad and the police state at home. Was it an act of foreign terrorism or an inside job? What does it mean for our political work? Two Peace and Freedom activists, Frank Runninghorse and Dave Kadlecek will discuss these important questions. 
FREE! (But please buy food & drink at the Pub.) This is part of our on-going Socialist Forum Series on the first Saturday of every month. Doors open at 2 pm and the featured panel will start promptly at 2:30 pm. The forum will end by 4:30 pm, but folks can stay and talk as long as you like.
The Starry Plough 3101 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA  510-465-9414

Film Screening - Project Censored The Movie - Ending the Reign of Junk Food News
 Saturday, April 5, 2014, 2:45 pm - 4:30 pm, 
USF's Presentation Theater, 2350 Turk Boulevard, San Francisco
Part of USF's 12th Annual Human Rights Film Festival 
Project Censored The Movie: Ending the Reign of Junk Food News
Followed by Q&A with Andy Lee Roth, Associate Director, Project Censored 
The film takes a closer look at what is wrong with the news media in the US today and highlights the work of 37 year media democracy organization and media research program at Sonoma State University, also called Project Censored, and their commitment to media literacy education as an antidote to top-down, managed news propaganda and censorship. The movie explores media censorship in our society by exposing important stories that corporate media fails to report. It looks at the under-reported stories and proliferation of what Project Censored likes to call “junk-food news,” the endless pipeline of light stories about Tiger Woods’ paramours or the latest Kardashian divorce rum. Every year, Project Censored uses investigative research to create a ranking and summary of the 25 most censored or underreported news stories of the previous year, publishing a book each September. LES CAGES A Fractured Gaze  5 April 18:00–22:00 FREE Show Mirus Gallery 540 Howard St., SF APR 05 Angels & Devils 4th Annual Costume Ball Sat April 5th feat. TekFreaks, Worthy & many more 5  Aprilat 22:00–04:00 Mighty 119 Utah St SF

Apr 5 9pm-3am F8! The Dub Kirtan Allstars ( FreQ Nasty set), Janaka Selekta + Shabi Farooq (Tabla), DJ Dragonfly, Devin Kroes (Rebirth Bass), DJ Sep, DJ Amar,  Visuals by Electromagi
Big bill at intimate venue - F8!  1192 Folsom SF
(cheers Rafael Fierro!) Launch Party: WORLDLY Various Artists CD

     Sun Apr 6 Sunset 20 Year Anniversary Season Opener Party | North BaySunday, April 6 – All Day | Cost: $5 per person or… * | Stafford Lake Novato
*Gate Fee: $5 per motorcycle/drop-off; $20 per car/truck; $60 per large van or similar; or $120 per bus (cash only). APR 06 Earth Day Marin Festival & Day of Action 11am-6pm Redwood High School 395 Doherty Drive, Larkspur, CA

Sunday - April 6 Sunset Sound System 20 Year Anniversary Picnic and Afterparty!  Stafford Lake Park, Novato 11am - 7pm, all welcome
Altar: Living Fae with Melanie & Anne 
Florals by: Intrinsic 
Sound by: Opus 
Food Trucks by: Eat Fuki & Ultra Crepes Free First Sunday Admission | Oakland Museum of CaliforniaSunday, April 6 – 11:00 am | Cost: FREE | Oakland Museum of California Cardboard Fort Building & Art Playtime Party for Adults | SoMaSunday, April 6 – 1:00 pm | Cost: FREE | Freespace 2.0 

     Wed Apr 9
Earth Expo, annual environmental fair in Oakland Wed April 9, 2014 10am-2pm at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza in downtown Oakland?  EarthEXPO is a popular and festive lunchtime annual environmental fair hosted in downtown Oakland by the City of Oakland Public Works Agency. The fair highlights transportation, environmental health, waste reduction, water, energy, urban design, nature and community themes.   This year we are spotlighting water conservation and protection.
There is room for approximately 80 exhibitors to gather and showcase their contributions to the sustainable urban environment to an estimated 2,000 attendees. Downtown Oakland is a noted hotbed of environmental, governmental, technological, and business leadership and innovation.  EarthEXPO is a great chance to connect with this audience! ROLLIGION Wednesday Night Roller Disco The Wednesday Night Roller Disco goes back to the very humble beginnings of our skating at the Church!!!. Come on out each and every Wednesday Night and get your skate grove on Humpday @ the Church!!! The beat is old school funk and roller disco.  If you are having a birthday or celebration, please let the people know when you enter and we'll make it a very special night to remember for you.The doors open from 7PM and we roll until 10PM.  The cost is $10 to enter and $5 for skate rentals 500 Fillmore SF BTWN Oak and Fell

     Fri Apr 11
SF Truth Action Friday, April 11, 2014, noon
We will be to the right of the Gap, Powell and Market, San Francisco
We will have plenty of dvds and fliers. Help us pass them out and educate the public.

The Kotango Social Club Socializing . Appetizers . Entertainment 
A social event for people curious about exploring or in open relationships. 
Entertainment will be brought to you with a touch a silly, a dose of wow, and a hand-full of sexy.
You won't want to miss -"Can you say ...  POLYAMORY" a sing-a-long by Daniel Dowell
-One of William Winters' Wild Stories  and -A sexy dance that will knock your socks off by Catherine Rose of SlinkyProductions
April 11, 7:30-10pm FREE  SF Center for Sex & Culture 1349 Mission St SF btwn 9th / 10th st
Wondering "What is Kotango?" is the hottest new social media network for open relationships. 
Sign up for free today and start meeting our global community!

)'( Lucidity Festival :: Universe :: April 11-13 Santa Ynez, California (old LIB Santa Barbara Site) 3154 RSVPs on FB

[WATCH] The latest from our Lucidity DreamWeavers... We are Interconnected!

Chik Con 2 Union Square,  333 Post St., SF Sat April 12 at 3:00pm
It's time again for the bi-decadal Chik Con! Dust off any cocky, chicky, birdy, feathery, loosely related whatevers and come join us for the fun and games. There will be things for all, but of course chickenin' ain't easy and makes for some thirsty work.
Find the coup in Union Square for a soft-boiled start at 3:00 and the hard-boiled start of 4:00.
Everyone will be on their own, but there is safety in numbers. Predators are always looking to pick off the strays.
The first rule of chickenin' - you can be a big cock, but don't be a big dick.
Some of things you might find on our chicken adventures:
“Chicken and Bunny petting Zoo”- Who doesn’t want some lovin?
“Egg and Chicken arguments”( Who came first?)
“The chickens are pissed off! The Easter bunny is putting a high demand on their poor lil bums to produce high volumes of eggs this time of year...they might need to go on strike!”
“We all know that Cocks are very territorial...see which cock is the cockiest! Cock fights will determine the winner.. You might even win some money!”
Please come prepared to join in the games and create your own little scenes along the way. We will need some Bunnies and Eggs to help us out..... YURI's NIGHT: The World Space Party at Public Works 
12 April 9pm-4am Public Works 161 ERIE SF With SPACE COWBOYS and SUNSETSF

Sunday Streets Tenderloin  Fulton-Larkin-Ellis-Jones-Golden Gate, Tenderloin, SF Sunday, Apr 13th, 11am-4pm

2014 Total Lunar Eclipse will happen on April 15, 07:06:47 UT 
United States Government Environmental Protection Agency Region 975 Hawthorne St, SF
The EPA conveniently stopped testing for airborne aluminum (a major
component of chemtrails) in 2002 as the worldwide geoengineering program
ramped up into high gear. Aluminum is listed in several geoengineering
patents and extremely high levels are found in lab tests for rainwater, tree
bark, snow, groundwater and human hair.
     Since the EPA refuses to do its job, it has been left to concerned citizens
to do these tests though approved labs – and the results are shocking. This
high toxic load of particulate aluminum (and barium, strontium and other
toxic metals) has been blamed on an increase of respiratory problems,
Alzheimers, asthma, stroke, allergies and more.
     We demand that the EPA does its job – protecting our environment – and at
the very least resume testing for airborne metals like aluminum and enforce
clean air standards by denouncing the geoengineering program.
     To this end, concerned citizens will protest outside the San Francisco EPA
office (75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco between 2nd & 3rd, Folsom and
Harrison) – which is supposed to protect the air of Arizona, California,
Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands and 148 Tribal Nations on Wednesday April
16th, from 11.30am to 4pm. Please bring your friends, DVDs, fliers, signs
and strong voices. The plaza has room for hundreds of protesters – let’s
fill it! Here’s a link to the Facebook event - 

The EPA conveniently stopped testing for airborne aluminum in 2002 as the global geoengineering program ramped up into high gear. 

Let's expose their complicity in this unprecedented ecocide and demand they condemn the program at minimum and do their job to protect us from being deliberately poisoned from above. 

Please bring your lab results from rainwater tests, signs, DVDs, fliers, and your voices. The San Francisco EPA office is supposed to protect the air of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands and 148 Tribal Nations.

The plaza outside the EPA has room for hundreds of protesters - let's fill it! 	17 April 18:45Show MapThe Center SF548 Fillmore St SF FREE EVENT: More Better Sex: by Erwan & Alicia Davon - An Intro to The Pleasure Course Thursday April 17th, 6:45 - 9:30pm Admission is free!

Burning Man Project Presents Building Community Through Cooperative Living @ BMHQ, 660 Alabama St, SF Thu Apr 17th, 7pm-9pm
Cooperative living arrangements have been popular in the U.S. for decades. These arrangements take many forms, from low-income options, such as squatter warehouses and affordable housing co-ops, to those requiring more capital, such as resident-designed cohousing developments. Faced with increasing home prices, the rise of the ‘sharing economy’, and a renewed focus on the importance of human connection, individuals are turning to cooperative living environments across the Bay Area and beyond.
Please join us for an evening of lively discussion focused on building community through group living arrangements.  This panel will bring together Burners from a range of cooperative living situations to talk about their experiences—the benefits, the challenges, and the cultural consequences of creating and living in shared spaces.  Our panelists will explore what it is about cooperative living they find compelling, and what elements are important in building vibrant community.
Raines Cohen (East Bay Cohousing)
Nicole Sawaya (Project Artaud)
JT Yu (Cooperative Roots)
Jessy Kate Schingler (Open Door Development Group)

EarthDay SF April 19th Civic Center Plaza - FREE FESTIVAL 10a-6pm 

APR 19 + 20 Bicycle Day Weekend :: w/ ALEX GREY, GRAMATIK, LOTUS, MIMOSA, STAR SLINGER, OPIUO, THRIFTWORKS, KALYA SCINTILLA, ANDREILIEN, and more at the Regency Center SF 4:19-4:20 !!
SF 4/19 & 4/20 at The Regency Ballroom 1300 Van Ness @ Sutter SF
3 rooms of music, art, and more....

)'( Sun Apr 20 Easter Sunday in Dolores Park SF with Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and HUNKY JESUS CONTEST

Fri Apr 25 Critical Mass

Saturday, April 26, 2014. It's a 3.6 mile walk. 
SFWAR is the only community-based rape crisis center in SF. Do it as an individual or with a group of friends. No cost to sign up. They give you a personal page you can send off to friends/family to get donation.
I will be there walking with San Francisco Sex Information.

9th Annual Fire Dancing Expo set for 8 PM in Union Square, San Francisco, CA on April 26, 2014.

APR 26 Club Exotica presents "Purr With Me" ★ A Sexy Party ★ Pumpkin ★ The Human Experience ★ Mikhal ★ ♥Jocelyn ★ NIMITAE ★ Kyrstyn Pixton 
26 April 20:00–05:00 Secret EPIC Underground SF Location s

April 28  -- The Best of the Best San Francisco Walking Tours.   Veteran City Guide Rob Spoor offers a composite walking tour of San Francisco, drawn from some of the best City Guides walking tours.   With slides and commentary, Rob goes beyond the landmarks to show the city as you haven't seen it before --- highs and lows, old and new, and a sprinkling of colorful personalities. You'll get an insider's tour of the city without leaving your seat. APR29Guerrilla Projection Mapping Night Apr 29 10pm @ The Armory Mission at 14th St SF

May 2014 Get your laBEEdo on! A fundraiser for bEEcHARGE!!! Mars Bar 798 Brannan SF May 3 9pm  $10-$20

UnSCruz – Santa Cruz Regional Event – May 3-4th in Watsonville $35 pre /45 gate

)'()'( May 4 Noon to 8pm street festival Howard St SF @ 1st 2nd 3rd. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU
How Weird 2014 music stages…
Enchanted Forest and Muti Music and Northern Nights present SUPER STAGE OF BASS 
Symbiosis Gathering presents
Opel and Opulent Temple present INTERGALACTIC PARALLAX 
Pink Mammoth and SF House Music present MOTHERSHIP OF HOUSE 
Temple Nightclub presents TERMINAL 540
Pulse SF and Global Village Productions present EVENT HORIZON 
Party Babas and Red Marines Festival present SPACEY WHALE
the boombox affair presents TRANQUILITY BASE THINK YOU CAN DJ Game Show and more! 
Plus the first ever National Dance Week stage, featuring dancers from around the world and free lessons. Check back for more info soon!

)'()'( HOW WEIRD IN OUTER SPACE! Sunday May 4 2014 Noon till 10pm. Followed by afterparties @ (Temple, Typically Supperclub, Harlot, Minna, etc)

5.11 FREE @ SF beware Parking Meters operate till 11pm near Pier 39 / Levis Plaza. Groundhog Day (February 2, 2014)Pi Day (March 14, 2014)Mother’s Day (May 11, 2014) Shakti Fest 2014 A Yoga and Music Experience of a LifetimeMay 16th - May 18th Joshua Tree Retreat Center 59700 Twentynine Palms HwyJoshua Tree, CA 92252

)'()'()'( Sunday, May 18 )'()'()'( = BIGGEST COSTUME PARTY in SF! 100,000 - 200,000 people. More costumes than you can shake a stick at. Believe it or not. Amazing creativity in costumes too. Super Fun. Best place to catch the action is the PAN HANDLE in GOLDEN GATE PARK. 
Ignore if you wish the annual rumor that this year will be alcohol free. They say that every year. Yes the cops will grab your beer if they see it. Yes you can get arrested if you are belligerent or stupid. Don't be stupid.
A far cry from… The next biggest gathering of peeps in SF is 4th of JULY at Pier 39, but sadly more ordinary MSM slaves squares and drunks, not so fun.

)'()'()'( Lightning in a Bottle 2014 presented by The Do LaB @ Monterey, CA May 22-26 
Tix on Sale Feb 18 @
LIB on Facebook:
The Do LaB on Facebook: )'()'()'( = 15,000 peeps, many in costumes or festively dressed

LIB TICKETS on SALE  @ Tier 1 $225 Tier 2 $235 incl full wknd + on site car camping.
Lightning in a Bottle is moving to central California May 22-26, 2014 at Monterey County's Lake San Antonio Recreation Area, in Bradley, California, West Coast Sound can exclusively report.
 240 miles north of Los Angeles 20 miles inland from the Pacific coast, situated in the hills and surrounded by nature for miles in each direction. This remote location will likely effect how late into the night the festival is allowed to play music
While swimming was not permitted at Lake Skinner, it is allowed at Lake San Antonio. (Unfortunately, the lake is currently dried up due to the state-wide drought.)
We have announced the March Against Monsanto 2.0 for next year 5/24/14! We will also be active and setting up some other actions both online and with boots on the ground before then so stay tuned! July 4th we will be promoting Moms Across America's event for food independence, October 12th we take to the streets again In honor of World Food Day on 10/16/13. More to come so stay tuned. Check our website for updates and sign up for our newsletter here: MAY 24 March Against Monsanto SF 

Empty the Tanks World Wide - Event
2nd Annual Empty the Tanks Worldwide 24 May 2014

Join us in the magical redwood forest of Mendocino in Northern California for the smaller intimate Enchanted Forest on May 30-Jun 2
Only 1000 people will get to attend and already half the tickets are sold, so don't wait!
Oh, and use my "philippe14" discount code for a small discount (anything helps!)

Jun 2014
Oregon! What The Festival June 19-22
big recap video:

Save the Date – SoulFire Precompression Announced!! June 20-21-22 in Los Gatos

)'()'()'( DYKEMARCH The San Francisco Dyke March - SF Music and Performances, Noon-5pm Dolores Park SF then DYKE MARCH to PINK SATURDAY in CASTRO
DYKEMARCH is LOVE! Here you will find so many happy people you will find BLISS and NIRVANA!
hope they update these silly 2013 pages, sheesh!

)'()'()'( PINK SATURDAY in the CASTRO. HELLA GAY COSTUME BLOCK PARTY! the biggest gayest DYKEest party anywhere!
Best way to get there is to join the DYKEMARCH in DOLORES PARK! 

)'()'()'( SF June 28-29, 2014.

)'()'()'( PRIDE SF Sunday Jun 29 Market St to SF CIVIC CENTER PLAZA and the 16 blocks surrounding. YES 16 BLOCKS of FESTIVITY COSTUMES and MUSIC. HYDRATE!
Pride is MASSIVE and has much BEER. Therefore watch your step, like Bay to Breakers you don't want to slip where someone puked. Enchanted Forest Jun 28- Jul 1 Mendocino County, CA

July 2014
High Sierra Music Festival July 3-6 Quincy, CA

Priceless 2014: Thursday, July 3 to Sunday July 6. Belden, CA. False Profit

The next biggest gathering of peeps in SF is 4th of JULY at Pier 39, but sadly more ordinary MSM slaves squares and drunks, not so fun.

Camp Tipsy is an annual rotten boat building contest and campout in Colusa County, California.
Camp Tipsy 2014 will be held July 7th to July 13th
Camp Tipsy is an annual rotten boat building contest and camp-out held at East Park Reservoir in Colusa County, California organized by the San Francisco Institute of Possibility. 

SOAK* - Tidewater Falls, OR - July 10-13

Aug 2014 Aug 1,2,3 Cisco Grove, CA

)'()'()'()'()'( Aug 25 - Sept 1, 2014. Black Rock City, NV )'()'()'()'()'( = 68000 peeps, half in costumes or festively dressed Burning Man 2014 Monday August 25 Black Rock City Gerlach, Nevada
Forever Young ... we LOVE this video by Spark director Steve Brown, featuring retired firefighter Jim Duffy. Forever Young - Burning Man 2013 download a slide show for costume, bike, hydration, camp, sun, shade, art sculpture ideas FUN and SEXY! 
Updated weather on playa: website
This website from Friends of Black Rock has updated weather conditions on the playa and forecasts.:
FLAME ON FIRE Burning Man is hella freaking FUN. This rapid-fire tour of (parts of) the playa Daft Punk - Lose Yourself to Dance - Burning Man 2013 ☼► Burning Man 2013 !!! Such an amazing burn !!! ♥♪► My Burning Man Experience 2013 Warren Currell·19 videos Burning Man 2013 - Beyond The Fire (Ellie Goulding - Burn) Kien Lam·6 videos Burning Man 2013 [by drone]: In the Dust, Above the Dust 
Rockstar Librarian Fan Page. Here you will find the most complete listing of DJ set times at )'( Burning Man. Copy Print and SHARE. Bring With.
This may be the BEST GIFT you can bring to playa. Printed copies of ROCKSTAR LIBRARIAN guide. (The next one, from Rockstar Librarian. Not this April 1 one silly.)
2nd best gift is to make a YOUTUBE VIDEO of how to COLATE the guide after you print it.

You a wallflower? Shy? trouble meeting peeps? bring this and you will meet TONS o PEEPs.
I been givin away stuff for decades and found that ROSES and CHOCOLATE are the quickest and easiest things to give away. Flowers not allowed in desert due to litter problems. So bring Chocolate and ROCKSTAR LIBRARIAN guides and your SHY DAYS will b a thing of the past.

Sep 2014
)'( Sun Sep 21, 2014 11 to 6

Sunday Streets' 2014 Season Finale in the Mission has been moved up one week to October 19 (instead of October 26, as previously noted).
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.