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new illuminati: ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated – Every Last One of Them
Welcome to the new Enlightenment, an era when suppressed science, hidden history and the enlightening nature of reality are all revealed

Ultimate Nightmare: Anti-Gun Michael Bloomberg As Future Defense Secretary
Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, known for his anti-gun agenda, was considered to succeed Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense and will likely be a candidate in the future, a nightmare scenario considering that the military is already training to confiscate firearms from Americans.

Ultimate Nightmare: Anti-Gun Michael Bloomberg As Future Defense Secretary
Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, known for his anti-gun agenda, was considered to succeed Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense and will likely be a candidate in the future, a nightmare scenario considering that the military is already training to confiscate firearms from Americans.

Wells Fargo To Begin Charging Customers For Deposits? $5 dollar fee for every paycheck deposited in checking or savings account, claims Florida woman.

BREAKING: 3 judges just sided with Verizon and struck down Net Neutrality. As of right now, anything on the Internet can be censored by your ISP, and no one can stop them. Read more:

Yes, he says this ; What If Google Search Were a Real Person

More info:

Fact, vaccines have never eradicated anything, ever. LIKE if you AGREE!

Hygene and a clean water supply lead to the demise of Polio
That and the redefinition of Polio.
The Polio Vaccine Part 2 
The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences By: Neil Z. Miller, medical research journalist and Director of the Thinktwice Gl...

Lee Burik      wiki and snopes all both utter booshiet…. NOT valid 
Wikipedia: Editing Truth by Mob Rule 
Abby Martin goes over the editing practices of the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, and calls out the websites editors for their lack of all-encompassing poin...

Kelly Thomas Verdict: Cops Now Have License to Murder - “This is carte blanche to police officers to do whatever they want.” 
George Bush, Skull and Bones, the CIA and Illicit Drug Operations - Mena Drug Cartel ( Full ) 
Don’t Let These Biologist’s Deaths Go Ignored - List of Dead Microbiologists: 
US Sailor Crippled by Fukushima Radiation Speaks Out on Government Lies Animals Jumping On Trampolines Compilation Sex Might Actually Make You Smarter
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